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Back to School! Sort of.....

Tomorrow marks the first day "back" to in class learning at our school, for those students who have opted to return. Many students will also continue to do classes online with their teacher & fellow classmates. The end of this school year looks a whole lot different than the beginning, but we've worked together as one great big community & we've found ways to make it work.

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like we will be opening up the library for these last two weeks of the school year. BUT- rest assured, we are busy! Busy preparing ideas, read alouds, and looking up the latest new books to order. Busy organizing books, reshelving returns, and setting up book displays. And BUSY missing YOU.

Send me a message! What do you want to have in the library next year? What do you want us to read? What series or author do you want to see more of? I would love to hear from you. Check out the "contact me" tab at the top of the page- and let me know.



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