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Visit Mrs. Cahill on Goodreads to see what she's reading & previewing for our school library

Visit our school library database to search our books, and see what is available to pick up on library day.

Do an online search using 'Kiddle'- a kid-friendly online search option for students. 

BC Canada Libraries 
Library 2 Go

If you live in British Columbia Canada, you can make use of this FREE resource from BC libraries. Library 2 Go is available to all BC residents with a library card, and gives you the ability to "check out" books online! You can read your book on a phone, laptop or desktop computer. You can search books, place holds, and have up to 7 books on your "shelf" at one time. 




It's as simple as visiting the library website or downloading the free app ("Libby"). If you don't have a library card yet, you're able to do so online as well.

App Store for iPhone or iPad:



Website for laptop or desktop computer:




Once you're set up- I suggest exploring the Kids section and setting your preferences. Depending what you are looking for, you can change these at any time. I usually have my preference set to:

Format: Books

Language: English

Availability: Available Now


If I am searching for a specific book, I change the availability to "Everything" and then I can place a hold on a book if it's not yet available











You can hold up to 7 books at a time. I LOVE doing this for popular books, because it's exciting waiting for that special book you really want, seeing how many people are ahead in line, and then getting a notification that it's yours to borrow! Another cool feature of Holds is that when your book becomes available- if you're not ready to read it yet, you can suspend your hold for a few days or weeks and it will let someone else read it in the meantime! A great feature if you're not quite ready to borrow it (maybe you're reading another awesome book?!).  




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